National Institute is pleased to announce its new publication, the Journal of Policy & Strategy—a quarterly, online, and peer-reviewed journal. In addition to the efforts of the contributing and managing editors, this new journal will be supported by a world-class Board of Editorial Advisors with diverse expertise and professional backgrounds, as is befitting a publication focusing on policy and strategy. Our priority goal is to include thoughtful, well-researched articles from a range of views, including the work of both younger and well-established authors.

Regular features of the Journal of Policy & Strategy will include:

  • Timely, original analyses of prominent international security issues;
  • Interviews of important contributors to national security;
  • The presentation of key official government reports, speeches and Congressional testimony;
  • Expert reviews of recent books and published studies focusing on international security;
  • Proceedings from National Institute’s monthly online symposia on critical national security topics; and,
  • A feature entitled “From the Archive” which will regularly present a classic article, study or testimony from the 1960s-1980s that provides an analysis or commentary of enduring great value.

The editors would like to welcome readers to the Journal of Policy & Strategy. All issues will be posted at the National Institute website and so be available to all readers without restrictions or charge. Every issue will be in the public interest and well worth the read.

Volume 4 – 2024

Vol. 4, No. 2 | Full Issue

Editorial Advisory Board

Table Of Contents

Editor’s Note


Trends in Allied Assurance: Challenges and Questions
Michaela Dodge

The Challenge of Integrated Deterrence: From the “New Look” to Today
Christopher J. Griffin

Homeland Missile Defense: Responding to a Transformed Security Environment
Robert G. Joseph and Peppino A. DeBiaso

Strengthening Extended Deterrence and Assurance or Alliance Dissolution: A Time for Choosing
Keith B. Payne

The Need for a “Two-War Strategy” to Reinforce Extended Deterrence and Assurance
David J. Trachtenberg


Rod Lyon, Senior Fellow-International Strategy, Australian Strategic Policy Institute

Dong-hyun Kim, International Broadcast Journalist, Voice of America


Lessons Learned from the Israel-Hamas Conflict and Implications for Deterrence, January 2024

NATO at 75: Up to the Challenge?, March 2024

Literature Reviews

Yaroslav Trofimov, Our Enemies Shall Vanish
Reviewed by Michaela Dodge

Report on Deterrence in a World of Nuclear Multipolarity, Department of State, International Security Advisory Board, October 2023
Reviewed by David J. Trachtenberg

A Luke Griffith, Unraveling the Gray Area Problem: The United States and the INF Treaty
Reviewed by Matthew R. Costlow

Jared M. McKinney, Peter Harris, Deterrence Gap: Avoiding War in the Taiwan Strait
Reviewed by Jennifer Bradley


Document No. 1. Statement of Anthony J. Cotton, Commander, United States Strategic Command, before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, February 29, 2024, Select Excerpts

Document No. 2. Statement of General Gregory M. Guillot, United States Air Force, Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command, before the United States Senate Committee on Armed Services, March 14, 2024, Select Excerpts

Document No. 3. Delivering the UK’s Nuclear Deterrent as a National Endeavour Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Defence by Command of His Majesty, March 2024

From the Archive

Keith B. Payne (Study Director) and John S. Foster Jr. (Chairman, Senior Review Group), Nuclear Force Adaptability for Deterrence and Assurance: A Prudent Alternative to Minimum Deterrence, Executive Summary, 2014

Vol. 4, No. 1 | Full Issue

Editorial Advisory Board

Table Of Contents

Editor’s Note


The Challenges in Estimating the Number of Russian Nuclear Weapons
Mark Schneider

From Pacifism to Nuclear Deterrence: Norman Angell and the Founding of NATO
Michael Rühle

Morality, Ethics, and National Power
John Mark Mattox

Two Theaters but One War: Why We Should Support Ukraine and Israel
Stephen Blank


Hon. Franklin C. Miller, Principal, the Scowcroft Group, and a Commissioner on the congressionally mandated 2023 Strategic Posture Commission

Dr. Nadia Schadlow, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, and former Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy


The Size and Characteristics of the Russian Nuclear Stockpile, September 2023

The Rejection of Intentional Population Targeting for ‘Tripolar’ Deterrence, November 2023

Literature Reviews

John Allen Williams, Stephen J. Cimbala, Sam C. Sarkesian, US National Security: Policymakers, Processes, and Politics, Sixth Edition
Reviewed by David J. Trachtenberg

Thomas Kent, How Russia Loses: Hubris and Miscalculation in Putin’s Kremlin
Reviewed by Michaela Dodge

Ankit Panda, Indo-Pacific Missile Arsenals: Avoiding Spirals and Mitigating Escalation Risks
Reviewed by Matthew R. Costlow


Document No. 1. Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, Conference Report, Select Excerpts

Document No. 2. Demand for Theater Missile Defense Assets, Statement by Rear Admiral Douglas L. Williams, USN, Director (Acting), Missile Defense Agency, Before the House Armed Services Committee, Strategic Forces Subcommittee December 7, 2023

Document No. 3. Setting Transatlantic Defence up for Success: A Military Strategy for Ukraine’s Victory and Russia’s Defeat, Discussion Paper, December 2023

From the Archive

Document No. 1. Report of the President’s Commission on Strategic Forces, April 1983, Select Excerpts

Document No. 2. Nuclear Deterrence in U.S.-Soviet Relations, Keith B. Payne (Foreword by Colin S. Gray), Westview Press: Boulder, CO, 1982, pp. 3-4